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Included below are several journals related to microfabrication and nanofabrication.
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This journal publishes research that relates to "fundamental physicochemical mechanisms associated with microfluidic and nanofluidic phenomena as well as novel microfluidic and nanofluidic techniques for diagnostic, medical, biological, pharmaceutical, environmental, and chemical applications."
This journal publishes research on all aspects of electrophoresis.
This journal publishes articles relating to microfluidics, nanofluidics, and lab-on-a-chip technology.
This journal publishes significant and original work related to miniaturisation (on or off chips) at the micro- and nano-scale across a variety of disciplines.
This journal "contains articles on current research, applications and methods used in lightwave technology and fiber optics."
This journal includes articles that focus on "the fabrication and application of nanostructures that facilitate the generation, propagation, manipulation, and detection of light from the infrared to the ultraviolet regimes."
This journal includes articles that focus on "reasearch on the fundamentals of the interaction of radiation with matter such as quatum optics, nonlinear optics, and laser physics."
This journal publishes articles that describe "significant advances in the understanding of quantum electronics phenomena or the demonstration of new devices, systems, or applications."
This journal publishes research involving "all areas of light generation, manipulation and detection."
This journal includes articles that focus on "advances in novel optical materials, their properties, modeling, synthesis and fabrication techniques."
This journal publishes articles that relate to new results in "various fields of modern optics. Manuscripts may discuss fundamental or applied issues."
This journal publishes articles relevant to the optics community in "all fields of optical science and technology."
This journal publishes short articles that often describe research-in-progress in the optics field.
This journal focuses on research related to applications in photonic crystals and photonic band gaps.
This journal publishes research that is relevant to photonics technology.
Solid-State Devices
This journal includes articles that focus on solid state devices and electron devices.
This journal includes articles "relating to the theory, design, performance and reliability of electron devices."
This journal publishes articles that focus on applications of solid-state physics and technology.
This journal includes articles that focus on "advances in microsystems as defined by new methods, technologies, and applications in this field."
This journal includes articles that focus on "microelectromechanichal systems, devices and structures as well as micromechanics, microengineering and microfabrication. "
Nanoscale Phenomenon and Devices
This journal includes short research papers that involve "miniature and ultraminiature structures and systems."
This journal "reports on fundamental research in all branches of the theory and practice of nanoscience and nanotechnology."
This journal includes articles that deal with nanoscience and nanotechnology.
This journal publishes research "covering a broad spectrum of topics at the nano- and microscale at the interface of materials science, chemistry, physics, engineering, medicine, and biology."
This journal publishes research that is relevant to the science and technology of "synthetic heterostructures, including individual and collective use of semiconductors, metals and insulators for the exploitation of their unique properties."
Fabrication Processes
This journal publishes papers on the "development of lithographic, fabrication, packaging, and integration technologies necessary to address the needs of the electronics, micro-optoelectromechanical systems, and photonics industries"
This journal publishes research that is relevant to "understanding interfaces and surfaces at a fundamental level and using this understanding to advance the state-of-the-art in various technological applications."
This journal provides a "unique and much needed forum for the discussion of experimental and theoretical materials research stimulated by and applied to semiconductor processing."
This journal is dedicated to "advanced engineering methods for micro- and nanofabrication of electronic devices, circuits and systems for electronics, electromechanics, and bioelectronics."
This journal publishes research that is relevant to fiels of thin-film synthesis, characterization, and applications.
Applied Physics
This journal publishes material similar to the Journal of Applied Physics, but it publishes material weekly.
This journal publishes articles that emphasize "understanding of the physics underlying modern technology."